Pasting a photo in a passport is a special administrative procedure carried out by the migration service and is the pasting of a new additional photo in an old-style passport in the form of a booklet when citizens reach the age of 25 and 45. The fact is that a person's appearance changes with age, and for the purpose of identifying a person, the legislator identified the age of 25 and 45 as certain milestones for replacing the current photo in the passport of a citizen of Ukraine. There are 2 pages in the passport for the procedure of pasting a photo: 3 and 4 pages - for those who want to paste a photo in the passport at the age of 25 and 5 and 6 pages - for people who want to paste a photo at the age of 45. At the same time, the sequence of these pages cannot be changed, for example, a photo in 45 cannot be pasted on pages 3 and 4. Even if the photo in 25 was not pasted, these pages remain blank, and the photo in 45 must be pasted on pages 5 and 6 of the passport. Violation of the rule of the sequence of pasting photos in the passport entails the invalidity of the passport as a document and the need to replace it as a whole.
There is a lot of information on the Internet about the mandatory replacement of the old-style passport in the form of a booklet by an ID card. In this regard, many believe that in 2022 it will no longer be possible to paste a photo in the passport, it is necessary to change the passport to an ID card. All this information does not correspond to the truth, as the provisions on the possibility of replacing the photo in the old-style passport are still in force. So, if a person applies for obtaining, replacing or restoring a passport in general, it is required to issue a passport of a new sample in the form of an ID card. But it is still possible to paste the photo into the existing passport. Also, many have heard about the Bill No. 3986, which cancels such a procedure as photo pasting. According to the draft law, migration service authorities will issue a passport of a new model to all citizens who apply for pasting of a photo upon reaching the age of 25 or 45. In this case, it is still too early to talk about such a possibility, and even more so about any deadlines, since the draft law has not even been put to a vote yet, but is under consideration by the committees. But people who pasted a photo at the age of 45 should not worry at all, since all passports of the old model, if they have pasted photos required to the age and the passports are in the proper form, will not be forcibly withdrawn or subject to exchange.
Regarding the deadlines for pasting the photo, it is worth noting here that the Coronavirus pandemic has made adjustments and this issue has become a little easier for citizens who did not paste the photo in the passport on time. According to the legislation of Ukraine, a citizen has a calendar month to apply to the authorities of the migration service in order to paste a photo in the passport. At the same time, many believe that the passport is considered a valid document during this month. This is not the case, as soon as you reach the appropriate age and until the photo is pasted in the passport, your passport is considered invalid. Therefore, you should not delay, believing that within a month you can use your passport in the usual way. Returning to the Coronavirus pandemic, according to the Law of Ukraine No. 530-IX, the 30-calendar-day period provided for pasting a photo is suspended until the end of quarantine restrictions in Ukraine. Accordingly, everyone who turned 25 or 45 during the quarantine period can expect that the passport photo can be replaced within 30 days after the end of the quarantine period.
The legislator provided that pasting photos in the passport takes up to 5 working days. At the same time, it is also possible to paste a photo in the passport in 1 day, it all depends on how quickly all the necessary checks will pass. At the same time, it is worth understanding that the more checks, the longer the photo pasting period. So, for Crimeans, for example, who have not previously applied for a foreign passport, such checks will be: checking the birth certificate, marriage certificate, education documents, which can significantly delay the period of replacing the photo in the passport.
Many people wonder if it is possible to paste a photo in a passport not according to the place of residence. If previously it was allowed to paste a photo in a Ukrainian passport outside of the place of residence for Crimeans and residents of the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions, today the legislator has provided that all citizens can paste a photo in passport, regardless of residence. That is, residents of all regions of Ukraine can paste a photo in the passport when they turn 25 years old, as well as paste a photo in the passport when 45 years old, regardless of the place of residency registration indicated in the passport.
The lawyers of the "ENWOLT" legal association will help you to understand all the intricacies of the procedure for pasting a photo in the passport, will calculate the deadlines for you, and will also advise you on all the issues that interest you, and you will be able to replace the photo in the passport without any problems!
# | Document | Provided by the client | We are preparing |
1 |
Passport of a citizen of Ukraine |
Provided by the client
2 |
Photos 3.5 x 4.5 (3 pieces) |
Provided by the client
# | Document | Provided by the client | We are preparing |
1 |
Foreign passport (for persons who received a passport in the currently occupied territories of Ukraine) |
Provided by the client
2 |
Birth / marriage certificate (for persons who received a passport in the currently occupied territories of Ukraine and did not previously receive a foreign passport) |
Provided by the client
3 |
Education documents (for persons who received a passport in the currently occupied territories of Ukraine and did not previously receive a foreign passport) |
Provided by the client
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Pasting a photo into a passport | Assistance in obtaining
Pasting a photo into a passport. Pasting a photo in the passport of a citizen of Ukraine
If you are a citizen of Ukraine who turns 25 or 45 years old, no later than one (1) month after reaching the specified age, you need to apply to the authorized institutions for pasting a new photo in your passport.
It should be noted that as of July 01, 23, the Ukrainian Government decided to lift the quarantine imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This became the basis for the renewal of the terms for pasting a photo in the passport of a citizen of Ukraine of the 1994 model (passport-book) upon reaching the age of 25 or 45.
Therefore, if a person turned 25 or 45 years old between 13.03.20 and 24.01.22, he or she had to have a photo pasted into the passport by 01.08.23. If this did not happen, the booklet passport is subject to exchange for a passport in the form of a plastic ID card with a contactless electronic medium.
Terms of pasting a new photo in the passport. The procedure for replacing a photo in a passport
To comply with the legal requirements for pasting a photo in a passport, you need to contact the ASC or the unit of the SMS of Ukraine at the place of residence registration. If, for some reason, there is no official registration of residence, you should apply to the ASC at your actual place of residence or at your last registered place of residence.
The application is considered within 5 days from the date of its submission to the institution.
If you have any questions about pasting a photo into a passport (in particular, if you are interested in whether there is a fine for late pasting a photo), please contact ENWOLT Law Firm. Our lawyers will help you understand the details of this administrative procedure and provide advice on all issues of interest to you so that you can replace the photo in your passport in a timely and correct manner.
Quick links: Consultations for citizens of Ukraine, Consultations for foreigners, Legal advice, About the company, Replacing a passport of Ukraine, Restoring a passport of Ukraine, Identification, Driver's license, IDP certificate, Foreign passport with permanent residence.