
The Police Clearance Certificate is one of the most requested documents in Ukraine. Both the citizens of Ukraine and foreigners seek to obtain the Police Clearance Certificate for their needs in Ukraine and abroad.

The Police Clearance Certificate or Police Clearance Extract

is a document formed from the Information and Analytical System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and contains information about a person regarding his/her conviction of a criminal offence, availability of any restrictions, provided for by the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine on the territory of Ukraine, and any court sentences on the territory of other states.

Since April 15, 2021, the significant changes have been made to the procedure for execution and issue of the Police Clearance Certificate, and it is currently issued in the form of the Extract from the Information and Analytical System "Accounting of Data on Person’s Conviction of a Criminal Offence and Availability of Criminal Records". You can receive the Police Clearance Extract in electronic form through the formation of a unique QR-code of the document, as well as in paper form for its subsequent affixing with an apostille by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

There are two types of the Police Clearance Extract in Ukraine: full Police Clearance Extract and shortened Police Clearance Extract. The full Police Clearance Extract shows the presence or absence of a criminal record against a specific citizen, as well as the fact of criminal prosecution as of the date of the Extract issue. The conviction occurs only after passing the court sentence and its entering into legal force after the expiration of the period for its appealing. Since the criminal proceedings are quite long-running, it is the full Police Clearance Certificate that shows whether a person is in the process of being convicted of a criminal offence. The shortened Police Clearance Extract provides information only about the court sentences having entered into force, that is, only the presence or absence of a criminal record.


The Police Clearance Certificate / Police Clearance Extract is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or through the Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, everyone can check the legitimacy of own Police Clearance Certificate through the online Service for Checking the Legitimacy of Police Clearance Certificates on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs using the Certificate form number.


The Police Clearance Extract of the new sample has almost not changed the very essence compared to the Police Clearance Certificate, but it has a slightly different appearance. You can receive the paper Police Clearance Extract in the following form:

витяг про несудимість в паперовому вигляді


The term of validity of the Police Clearance Certificate is a separate issue. The Police Clearance Certificate itself indicates only the date on which the person’s check was carried out. The term of validity of the Police Clearance Certificate is determined by the body to which it is submitted. For example, in the tender proposal or in the requirements to documents for obtaining a visa, the limitation period of the Police Clearance Certificate, which can be accepted for a particular purpose, is indicated.

The Police Clearance Certificate/Extract is used in the following circumstances:

  • Processing of visa for traveling abroad;
  • Official employment;
  • Receiving a license to work with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • Receiving a permit to possess weapons and receiving a license to work with industrial explosive materials;

  • Registration of participation in the procedure of public procurement/simplified public procurement (participation in the tender);
  • When registering an adoption, establishing guardianship (custody), creating a foster family or a family-type orphanage;
  • Registration of citizenship acquisition;
  • For submission to the relevant authorities.

Previously, the Police Clearance Certificate could also be received for:

  • Its submission to the institutions of foreign countries;
  • Submission of documents to social security authorities;
  • Execution or renewal of documents;
  • Its submissions to military commissariats.

Currently, this list is somewhat shortened and unified.


To use the Police Clearance Certificate abroad, in the countries of the Hague Convention, it is also necessary to make an apostille to the Police Clearance Certificate. The apostille is affixed to the Police Clearance Certificate by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is a special stamp placed on the overleaf of the Police Clearance Certificate. The apostille stamp is unified for all countries participating in the Convention. For countries that are not members of the Hague Convention, the legalization of the Police Clearance Certificate is required. Legalization of the Police Clearance Certificate (the Police Clearance Extract) is a more complicated procedure and is used to present the document in countries that are not signatories to the Hague Convention (mainly, in European countries) and do not have bilateral agreements with Ukraine on the simplification of document circulation. In this case, the Police Clearance Certificate is legalized by the Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and endorsed by the embassy of the document recipient country. Legalization of the Police Clearance Certificate is carried out only in person or per pro of the document holder.

In addition, a person can receive the Police Clearance Extract even while staying abroad. For information on how you can receive the Police Clearance Certificate abroad, we would recommend you to contact the lawyers of our Company.


It is possible to execute the Police Clearance Certificate without registered place of residence in Kyiv (to receive the Police Clearance Extract without registered place of residence in Kyiv), since the execution of the Police Clearance Certificate does not depend on the registered place of residence of the requesting person. You can also receive the Police Clearance Certificate online, without your personal presence, as this possibility is provided by law.

Lawyers of the Legal Association “ENWOLT” will be glad to advise you how to correctly execute the Police Clearance Certificate in Kyiv for each specific purpose, as well as to calculate the terms of receiving the Police Clearance Certificate, taking into account the terms of affixing an apostille to the Police Clearance Certificate and the delivery terms. The Legal Association “ENWOLT” ensures you will receive the Police Clearance Certificate in Kyiv in a quickly and conveniently manner through the offices of the Association.

Necessary documents
Police Clearance Extract (Certificate) in Kyiv for citizens of Ukraine (one of the listed documents)
# Document Provided by the client We are preparing

Copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine

Provided by the client

Copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad (foreign passport)

Provided by the client

Birth Certificate

Provided by the client
Police Clearance Certificate in Kyiv for foreigners (one of the listed documents)
# Document Provided by the client We are preparing

Passport for traveling abroad with its translation into Ukrainian language

Provided by the client

Temporary Residence Permit (if available)

Provided by the client

Permanent Residence Permit (if available)

Provided by the client
Prices and terms
Deadlines for issuing and obtaining a certificate of criminal record
Execution period to 15 working days
1500 UAH
Execution period 15-25 working days
1000 UAH
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You can also order the service by phone or messenger:
Department for Work with Citizens of Ukraine:
Department for work with foreigners:
Tax department:

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Administrative consultations
Legalization of documents
Administrative consultations
Apostille for documents in Ukraine
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Certificate of no criminal record

Certificate of no criminal record, confirmation of no criminal record in Ukraine

A certificate of no criminal record is an official document that confirms the absence of information about a person's conviction for criminal offenses. The document also contains information on restrictions provided for by the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine and the existence of court verdicts in other countries.
The certificate of no criminal record is generated from the information and analytical system "Accounting of Information on Bringing a Person to Criminal Liability and the Existence of a Criminal Record" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. 

  • If the database of this system does not contain information about a criminal record, the document will state that the person has no criminal record.
  • If there is information about a criminal record, the document will contain information about the applicant's conviction, type and length of sentence.

To confirm a criminal record in Ukraine, you can obtain a full or abbreviated extract: 

  1. A full extract contains information about the presence or absence of a criminal record for a particular citizen. It also indicates the fact of criminal prosecution (if any). 
  2. An abbreviated police clearance certificate will only confirm the absence or presence of a criminal record (information on a court sentence that has entered into force).

Obtain a police clearance certificate. The police clearance certificate is urgent.

Such documents are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the Department of Informatization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
To obtain a police record, you must submit an application and pay the appropriate fee. The application usually contains the applicant's personal data: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, and address of residence.
This document may be required to conclude an employment contract, obtain a residence permit in another country, apply for a visa, obtain a weapons permit, formalize adoption, establish guardianship (custody), create a foster family or family-type orphanage, etc. 
Both citizens of Ukraine and foreigners can obtain a police clearance certificate (Kyiv) (for presentation in Ukraine or abroad).
If you have any questions about how to order and obtain a police clearance certificate, you can get legal advice from the lawyers of ENVOLT.

Quick links: Consultations for citizens of Ukraine, Consultations for foreigners, Legal advice, About the company, Apostille for documents in Ukraine, Certificate of no criminal record, Legalization of documents, Request for documents from the registry office, Certificate of residence, Certificate from the demographic register, Certificate of no bankruptcy, Certificate of issuance of a driver's license, Archival certificate.