A permanent residence permit in Ukraine is a document that confirms the permanent residence of a foreigner or a stateless person on the territory of Ukraine without limited periods of stay and without limited entry and exit from its territory. A permanent residence permit (PRP) confirms the status of a resident of Ukraine and is issued to a foreigner for life, but with the condition of its renewal every 10 years.
NOTE: A foreigner/stateless person acquires the status of a tax resident if he/she permanently resides on the territory of Ukraine with a permanent residence permit for at least 183 calendar days.
Before submitting documents for a permanent residence permit, a foreigner must first obtain permit to immigrate to Ukraine. Permit to immigrate to Ukraine is a document that confirms the positive decision of the migration service body in further obtaining a permanent residence permit. The immigration permit provides for a successful verification of the foreigner by the authorized bodies and confirms permission for permanent relocation to Ukraine. An immigration permit is one of the stages of obtaining a permanent residence permit. The immigration permit is valid for 12 months from the moment of taking decision. After receiving an immigration permit, a foreigner/stateless person must apply to the Embassy of Ukraine or a visa center to obtain a long-term visa D-01, after arriving to Ukraine and apply to the Migration Service for the issuance of a permanent residence permit. If the foreigner/ stateless person does not apply for a visa to the authorized body within the specified time, the immigration permit is canceled.
Obtaining a permanent residence permit is regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Immigration", which provides for the grounds, procedure and process of obtaining this document. The procedure for processing documents for a passport includes several stages and a complex structure of verifications. To start this procedure, it is necessary to carefully collect the necessary list of documents and submit them to the migration service according to the place of residence of the foreigner. The "ENWOLT" legal association will help you with respect and understanding in all stages of this service. Before starting the preparation of documents, we recommend contacting migration lawyers for quality consultation and interpretation of the migration legislation of Ukraine in order to save your time and financial resources.
Our team of lawyers will consult and select convenient grounds for you (if there are several) in order to receive a permanent residence permit. We will provide detailed answers to your questions about this service, we will provide a list of relevant documents with an explanation of their receipt in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
After analyzing the relevant package of documents, we issue notarized translations and prepare for the next stage.
Your lawyer from the "ENWOLT" legal association will represent your interests throughout the entire procedure of submitting documents (photographing) for permission to immigrate to Ukraine without waiting in line and at a time convenient for you.
Important: At the time of submission of documents, the applicant must be in person with the original documents. The original documents are scanned by the inspector into the biometric system and returned to the applicant.
A team of our lawyers monitors the stages of checks in obtaining a permit for immigration to Ukraine.
Important: The decision to obtain an immigration permit is taken by the authorized body after receiving the results of the relevant verifications. The "ENWOLT" legal association does not in any way influence the decisions of state authorities and the results of verifications on obtaining an immigration permit, but only monitors compliance with the procedure, terms and stages of the notarial power of attorney from the applicant and the contract for the provision of legal services in the preparation of this document.
After obtaining permission to immigrate to Ukraine, it is necessary to apply to the Embassy of Ukraine (visa center) to obtain a long-term visa D-01 - immigration to Ukraine.
Important: It is necessary to arrive in Ukraine only after the date of validity of the D-01 visa to submit documents for a permanent residence permit.
1. Passport for departure abroad |
2. Visa application form |
3. 1 photo 3.5 X 4.5 cm |
4. Health insurance policy to cover costs of at least € 30,000 for the validity of the visa |
5. Document confirming sufficient financial support (bank statement/payment card/hotel reservation/guarantee letter/return ticket) |
6. Receipt of the payment of the consular fee |
7. Copy of permission to immigrate to Ukraine |
If a foreigner/stateless person at the time of obtaining an immigration permit has a temporary residence permit or there is a stamp in the passport for departure abroad "extended period of stay" and has at least 15 business days of legal stay on the territory of Ukraine – he/she doesn’t need to obtain a visa D-01. These persons can directly submit documents for a permanent residence permit after obtaining an immigration permit.
We will represent your interests during the entire procedure of submitting documents (photographing) for a permanent residence permit in Ukraine without queues and at a time convenient for you.
Important: At the time of submitting documents (photographing), the presence of the applicant with the original passport is mandatory.
Our company monitors the readiness of your permit and appearance of the status “ready for issuance”.
After the document is ready for its issuance, we will notify you. Our company's lawyer can plan with you to obtain a permit, and you can independently and independently obtain it at any convenient time for you.
Important: Only the applicant him(her)self can receive a ready-made permanent residence permit in person with the original passport for departure abroad. If you have a temporary residence permit, you must submit it when obtaining a permanent residence permit.
From the moment of receiving a permanent residence permit, you must register your place of residence at your address within 30 calendar days. In case of violation of this term, an administrative fine in the amount of UAH 1700 to 7500 is applied, depending on the term of the violation.
Note: Registration of residence at your address or at our address is paid separately.

Foreigners/stateless persons have the right to obtain a permanent residence permit (immigration permit) according to the relevant categories and the number of spots approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the current year, the so-called immigration quota only if the share of foreigners in the total population of Ukraine is more than 10%. In general, the immigration quota does not apply.

Certificates confirming family ties with a citizen of Ukraine
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Certificates confirming family ties translated into Ukrainian with notarization
3. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
4. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship translated into Ukrainian with notarization
5. Certificate of absence of diseases (028/o, certificate of narcologist)
6. State duty
7. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
8. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

The response of the central executive body to the petition
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Official letter - a response from the central executive body
3. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
4. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship translated into Ukrainian with notarization
5. Certificate of absence of diseases (028/o, certificate of narcologist)
6. State duty
7. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
8. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Certificate of opening an investment account in the amount of at least USD 100,000
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. A certified copy of the charter of the company in which the investment was made 3. The original certificate from the bank on opening an investment account in the amount of at least USD 100,000 in foreign currency
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship translated into Ukrainian with notarization
6. Certificate of absence of diseases (028/o, certificate of narcologist)
7. State duty
8. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
9. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Conformation of an investment – up to 1 month Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Appropriate level of qualification
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. A document confirming the level of qualification of a specialist/worker (employment record book, diplomas, letters of recommendation, salary statement) 3. Official letter - a response from the central executive body/ministry
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship translated into Ukrainian with notarization
6. Certificate of absence of diseases (028/o, certificate of narcologist)
7. State duty
8. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
9. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Certificate of withdrawal from the Ukrainian citizenship
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Certificate from the Embassy of Ukraine of withdrawal from the Ukrainian citizenship 3. Certificate of birth
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship translated into Ukrainian with notarization
6. Certificate of absence of diseases (028/o, certificate of narcologist)
7. State duty
8. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
9. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Permanent residence permit of one of the family members
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization - applicant
2. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization – owner of the permanent residence permit 3. Permanent residence permit 4. Notarized consent for immigration and financial support in Ukraine
5. Certificate of family ties (marriage certificate, birth certificate) translated into Ukrainian with notarization
6. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
7. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship translated into Ukrainian with notarization
8. Certificate of absence of diseases (028/o, certificate of narcologist)
9. State duty
10. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
11. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents • notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Important: Children are only eligible to apply for immigration permission up to the age of 18. After 18 years, this grounds does not apply.
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Confirmation of the status of a victim of human trafficking
Confirmation of residence in the territory of Ukraine for the last 3 years
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Document on the status of a victim of human trafficking 3. Certificate of border crossings for the past 3 years from the state border service of Ukraine
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship translated into Ukrainian with notarization
6. Certificate of absence of diseases (028/o, certificate of narcologist)
7. State duty
8. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
9. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

A document confirming service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Document confirming service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (military ID, contract for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine) 3. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
4. Certificate of no criminal record in the country of citizenship translated into Ukrainian with notarization
5. Certificate of absence of diseases (028/o, certificate of narcologist)
6. State duty
7. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
8. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Marriage certificate
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Marriage certificate for more than 2 years 3. Domestic passport of a second spouse citizen of Ukraine
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. State duty
6. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
7. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Certificate of registration of a child as a citizen of Ukraine
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Birth certificate 3. Certificate of registration of a child as a citizen of Ukraine
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. State duty
6. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
7. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine of father/mother
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Birth certificate of the applicant 3. Passport of a citizen of Ukraine of father/mother
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. State duty
6. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
7. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Documents on the appointment of a guardian/custodian of a citizen of Ukraine or the establishment of guardianship/guardianship over them
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Documents on the appointment of a guardian/custodian of a citizen of Ukraine or the establishment of guardianship/guardianship over them 3. Passport of a citizen of Ukraine/ Birth certificate of a citizen of Ukraine
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. State duty
6. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
7. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Birth or residence on the territory of Ukraine before August 24, 1991 of:
• foreigner/stateless person - applicant
• one of the parents
• grandparents
• family (full-blooded and half-blooded) brother / sister
• son / daughter
• granddaughter / grandchildren
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization 2. Birth certificate of the applicant 3. Certificates confirming family ties and birth in Ukraine (marriage certificate, birth certificate) or a court decision on the fact of living in Ukraine
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. State duty
6. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
7. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

Certificate of a foreign Ukrainian
1. Translation of the passport for departure abroad into Ukrainian with notarization
2. Certificate of a foreign Ukrainian 3. Certificates confirming family ties and birth in Ukraine (birth certificate, marriage certificate)
4. A document confirming the place of registration in the country of citizenship of the foreigner/ stateless person (domestic passport, ID card, driver's license)
5. State duty
6. Temporary residence permit (if available) + certificate of residence registration
7. Notarized consent of the home owner to live in Ukraine (if there is no permit)
• notarized copy of ownership documents
• notarized copy of the home owner's passport
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Important: spouses and minor children have the right to obtain an immigration permit if they arrive in Ukraine together with a foreign Ukrainian.
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days

• a decision to recognize a stateless person
• a temporary residence permit for more than 2 years
1. Decision on recognition of a stateless person
2. Identity card of a person without citizenship
3. Temporary residence permit in Ukraine + certificate of residence registration (if the permit is biometric)
4. Birth certificate
5. State duty
Note: foreign documents must be legalized/apostilled (depending on the country).
Immigration permit - up to 6 months
Permanent residence permit - up to 15 working days
Contact our team of specialists for extended and comprehensive consultation in obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine. Our lawyers will help you choose the appropriate basis for obtaining documents and will analyze the appropriate stages of work for you.
We will be happy to help you!
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Permanent residence permit in Ukraine | Assistance in obtaining
Permanent residence permit in Ukraine. The procedure for obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine
For citizens of our country, the main document is a Ukrainian passport. Foreign nationals or stateless persons who want to have legal grounds for staying in our country must obtain a permanent residence permit in Ukraine.
Such a document is issued to a foreigner once, indefinitely, without restrictions on the number of times he/she can leave/enter Ukraine, but must be renewed every 10 years. Obtaining a residence permit is regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Immigration".
Term of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine. Validity period of a permanent residence permit in Ukraine
A residence permit (also called a "permanent residence permit in Ukraine") confirms that its holder has successfully passed the inspection by the authorized bodies that granted the applicant an official immigration permit.
Where to apply for a permanent residence permit? How to apply for a permanent residence permit?
You can obtain a residence permit on your own by contacting
- Territorial bodies of the State Migration Service of Ukraine (SMS);
- ASCs;
- State Enterprise "Document".
We offer to use the services of lawyers of ENWOLT Law Firm, who will perform the necessary legal actions to obtain a permanent residence permit.
Quick links: Consultations for citizens of Ukraine, Consultations for foreigners, Legal advice, About the company, Extension of stay, Return from permanent residence, Exchange of permanent residence permit in Ukraine, Work permit, Temporary residence permit in Ukraine, Temporary residence permit for business purposes.