
Representation in state authorities

from UAH 700
in 1 hour

Each of us values our time and energy, so a trip to a state body is not always a pleasant event that each of us postpones for later. Ukraine is following the European path and the transformation of our life is visible to the naked eye. Currently, many public services are provided very quickly, qualitatively and do not create any discomfort for applicants. However, when your situation deviates even a little from the "norm" from the regulations that a civil servant is used to following day in and day out, in practice we often experience difficulties. And here it is important to understand for yourself, are you ready to fight alone?

If a one-on-one fight with government officials is not your option, then you need a qualified assistant who knows the legislation and regulations of government agencies, has the time and energy to conduct dialogues and defend your position , and in the cases permitted by the law - will be able to replace you and lead the fight, freeing you from this burden.

Lawyers and advocates act as such assistants. Due to his status, a lawyer has a wider range of powers, and is also more "mobile" in making decisions and solving tasks, since a lawyer is always limited by a power of attorney and the powers written in it. A lawyer has the right to represent your interests in absolutely all bodies, organizations and institutions on all issues that concern you. Of course, a lawyer cannot always replace you, since the law often provides for the personal participation of a person in certain processes, but being there, submitting statements, complaints and petitions on your behalf, officially expressing your position - this is the main role of a lawyer in representation in bodies state power.

Lawyers of ENWOLT Law Firm are ready to support you in all situations inconvenient for you that arise when communicating with state authorities, will help you correctly and honestly defend your interests, avoid unnecessary trips to various authorities and collection of unnecessary documents, will protect you from illegal actions and decisions of state authorities. 

Necessary documents
Before the lawyer's departure to the authority, the client provides
# Document Provided by the client We are preparing

Document proving the identity of the client

Provided by the client

Identification code (if available)

Provided by the client

Documents related to the contested case (originals or copies)

Provided by the client

Agreement on the representation of interests

We are preparing


We are preparing
Is there anything to ask?
Leave your contacts and we will help you

We do not promise what cannot be achieved.

You will hear the truth and only the truth from us