We are your reliable assistant regardless of borders and countries.

«ENWOLT» Law Firm

Our company specializes in administrative, migration and tax law.

Achieving the desired result is easy with professionals

«ENWOLT» Law Firm

Our experience and knowledge will help to find a way out of any situation

Facts are stubborn things, but not with good lawyers

«ENWOLT» Law Firm

Our lawyers have a narrow specialization, so they know their business perfectly

Assistance in migration and tax issues

More than 7 years of experience in various legal fields allows us to provide legal consultations at the highest level!

Rest assured of the BEST RESULT!


99.9% of the clients we accompanied got the desired result



We are a team of young professionals, so we use only the latest technology

Yana Yuriyivna

Head of Administrative Law, Education of Taras Shevchenko National University

Ivan Yuriyovych

Head of Migration Law, Education of Yaroslav Mudri National Law University

Roman Viktorovych

Head of Tax Law and Migration Law Education of State Tax University

Viacheslav Stanislavovych

Education of State Tax University

Світлана Григорівна

помічник юриста відділу адміністративного права


Certificate of no criminal record

Get your free consultation in 1 hour! Don't waste your time!


Many years of experience gives us the opportunity to clearly build a strategy to achieve the goal


Temporary  residence permit

Get your free consultation in 1 hour! Prepare your documents without any problem!


Many years of work experience gives us the opportunity to clearly develop a strategy for achieving the goal


Requesting duplicate documents

Ask us how to get duplicates of certificates and extracts without unnecessary documents and queues.


Our lawyers know how to get the documents you need

Legislation news

Як швидко отримати ідентифікаційний код
Як швидко отримати ідентифікаційний код Ідентифікаційний код (ідентифікаційний номер платника податків) – це унікальний цифровий код, що використовується для обліку фізичних осіб у податковій системі України. ...
Як швидко отримати ідентифікаційний код Ідентифікаційний код (ідентифікаційний номер платника податків) – це унікальний цифровий код, що використовується для обліку фізичних осіб у податковій системі України. Він необхідний для укладання трудових договорів, відкриття банківських рахунків, реєстрації в додатку ДІЯ, купівлі нерухомості, отримання соціальних виплат та в інших офіційних процедурах. Щоб швидко отримати ідентифікаційний код, потрібно звернутися до Державної податкової служби за місцем реєстрації або головних управлінь ДПС. Процедура оформлення займає небагато часу за умови правильного подання документів. Що потрібно для оформлення ідентифікаційного кода Для оформлення ідентифікаційного кода необхідно мати такі документи: Паспорт громадянина України. Оригінал або копія всіх заповнених сторінок. Заява на отримання кода. Її бланк ...
Коли потрібна довідка про видачу водійських прав
Довідка про видачу водійських прав є документом, який підтверджує факт отримання водійського посвідчення, його зміст, строк дії та інші дані. Вона може знадобитися у різних ...
Довідка про видачу водійських прав є документом, який підтверджує факт отримання водійського посвідчення, його зміст, строк дії та інші дані. Вона може знадобитися у різних випадках як в Україні, так і за кордоном, зокрема для підтвердження права на керування транспортними засобами або надання інформації про водійський стаж. Кому і в яких випадках може знадобитися довідка за кордоном Довідка про видачу водійських прав часто потрібна при вирішенні юридичних чи адміністративних питань за кордоном. Основні випадки включають: Оформлення міжнародного водійського посвідчення. При подорожах або переїзді в інші країни необхідний дозвіл на керування транспортом. Підтвердження водійського стажу. У випадках працевлаштування водієм за кордоном може вимагатися довідка для ...
Когда нужна справка о выдаче водительских прав
  Справка о выдаче водительских прав является документом, подтверждающим факт получения водительского удостоверения, его содержание, срок действия и другие данные. Она может понадобиться в различных случаях ...
  Справка о выдаче водительских прав является документом, подтверждающим факт получения водительского удостоверения, его содержание, срок действия и другие данные. Она может понадобиться в различных случаях как в Украине, так и за рубежом, в частности для подтверждения права на управление транспортными средствами или предоставления информации о водительском стаже. Кому и в каких случаях может понадобиться справка за рубежом Справка о выдаче водительских прав часто нужна при решении юридических или административных вопросов за рубежом. Основные случаи включают: Оформление международного водительского удостоверения. При путешествиях или переезде в другие страны необходимо разрешение на управление транспортом. Подтверждение водительского стажа. В случаях трудоустройства водителем за границей может потребоваться справка для ...
The identification procedure is carried out in the following cases: - issuing a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for the first time upon reaching the ...
The identification procedure is carried out in the following cases: - issuing a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for the first time upon reaching the age of 18, in the absence of a previously issued foreign passport; - issuing a passport in the form of an ID card on the basis of a passport-book that was issued in the non-controlled or occupied territory of Ukraine, provided that the person does not have other documents with a photo. The procedure for establishing an identity in the administrative order, that is, in the subdivisions of the State Security Service, is not complicated, the complexity ...
During 2022-2024, the list of the countries participating in the Hague Convention of 1961 on the abolition of the requirement of re-legalization of foreign official ...
During 2022-2024, the list of the countries participating in the Hague Convention of 1961 on the abolition of the requirement of re-legalization of foreign official documents underwent drastic changes. Finally, the governments of a number of countries submitted their documents to the Hague Conference. So we decided to summarize which countries have recently joined the Convention and now use the apostille procedure. As of January 11, 2024, legalization of documents has been canceled for the following countries: - Indonesia requires an apostille from June 4, 2022 - Saudi Arabia requires an apostille from December 07, 2022 - China requires an apostille from March 8, 2023 - ...
On May 12, 2023, the Canadian authorities finally decided to join the Hague Convention of 1961 on the abolition of the requirement for re-legalization of ...
On May 12, 2023, the Canadian authorities finally decided to join the Hague Convention of 1961 on the abolition of the requirement for re-legalization of foreign official documents and submitted the relevant sample documents. This was a breakthrough for the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada, because after 23.02.2022 it was very problematic to legalize Ukrainian documents for Canada due to the fact that the Canadian embassy in Ukraine stopped providing such services. It is worth noting that Canada's accession to the Hague Convention was delayed due to disagreements between various Canadian provinces, but a compromise was finally found. Canada's decision to accede to ...
Is there anything to ask?
Leave your contacts and we will help you

We do not promise what cannot be achieved.

You will hear the truth and only the truth from us

Our customers


Providing legal services throughout Ukraine!

JSC "ENWOLT" has gone a long way in its formation as an independent, independent organization that calls on its clients to provide answers to questions that others are trying to find, wandering through legislation for a long time. We are conscious in choosing our name - we are not a company or a group, we are an association - an association of the best lawyers and advocates in the field of migration, administrative, tax, civil law. Together, after each of us works at your request, we work as a coordinated mechanism so that you, our clients, get what you came to us for - a result!

You can be sure that by contacting us, you will receive a high-quality and comprehensive answer to your question, while you will not need to be redirected from lawyer to lawyer, we will take care of all additional communications.

during the years of our development, we have learned to combine things that we consider to be key in our activities.

We are young but experienced. Each member of our team has gone through a thorny professional path from the lowest levels to management positions, this has given each of us the experience that is often lacking when working with a client. We know how certain processes take place and therefore can "show" the client the real picture, not just the ideals of legislation. However, reality does not limit our creativity, we look for options where others do not want to develop.

We value your time, so we don't need days and weeks of preparation to provide you with professional answers. We are ready to share our knowledge and skills as quickly as you need it. At the same time, speed should not take priority over service quality. You should understand that by contacting us, you will receive quality legal services as quickly as is realistically possible.

We try to help everyone who comes to us. Even if your question is not our profile, a lawyer who knows exactly the answer to your question will always provide you with a free consultation. Law is a field of activity that cannot be mastered completely and ideally, therefore everyone is a specialist in their field of law. We are always honest with our clients, if their issue is related to another area or cannot be resolved in the way and in the way the client wants, we do not give false hope. We speak the truth and only the truth.


«ENWOLT» Law Firm

Envolt. Provision of legal services.  Lawyer on migration issues. Lawyer on tax issues.

ENVOLT Law Association is an experienced specialist in administrative, migration and tax law. We provide our clients with consulting assistance and represent their interests as attorneys-at-law.
We work with both Ukrainian and foreign citizens. So, if you need to restore a lost identification number or need a temporary residence permit for a foreigner, we can help! 

Duplicate of an old-style certificate. Apostille of documents. Temporary residence permit for business purposes.

You can contact us if you want to:

  • restore a lost certificate or other official document issued by the registry office (reclamation of documents);
  • apply for a residence permit;
  • renew or obtain an identification number in Ukraine; 
  • issue a letter of departure to obtain permission to leave for permanent residence;
  • obtain an apostille; 
  • confirmation of no criminal record in Ukraine (for this purpose, a certificate of no criminal record is required), etc.

Lawyer's request for a certificate. Documents for permanent residence. Certificate of no criminal record.

The lawyers of ENVOLT provide professional advice and represent the interests of their clients at the highest level. 
We will make a lawyer's request for a certificate if the document has been lost and is needed urgently.
If you want to legalize certain documents issued by government agencies, we will help you quickly obtain an apostille.
We are ready to represent your interests by power of attorney if you need to renew your identification code, want to get your documents for permanent residence processed as soon as possible, or if you need a certificate of no criminal record.
We do not promise things that cannot be achieved. You can be sure that by contacting the specialists of ENVOLT, you will receive high-quality and comprehensive legal assistance.

We provide consultations for: