
Privacy policy

By confirming, you give your voluntary consent and permission to the collection, processing, storage and use of your personal data by JSC ENVOLT within the meaning of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data".

Envolt JSC, in turn, declares that it collects, processes, stores and uses personal data exclusively for the purpose of providing requested services to clients and applicants and does not transfer personal data received by JSC to third parties not involved in the provision of services "ENVOLT" through this Internet resource or in any other way.

Processing of personal data is carried out openly and transparently with the use of means and in a manner that correspond to the defined goals of such processing. JSC "Envolt" uses personal data only with the creation  conditions for the protection of this data. Any confidential information directly or indirectly received by JSC "Envolt" through this Internet resource cannot be disclosed to third parties without the consent of its owner.

In turn, you confirm that your personal data are accurate, reliable and will be updated by you as needed, determined by the purpose of their processing. At the same time, the personal data provided by you do not belong to any outside/third parties and are not used by you to cause any harm to such persons.